All Bug Dog Pro certified bed bug dog teams have completed a rigorous training program, which includes dog psychology, obedience training, initial protocol training in addition to basic and advanced search patterns. They have learned from industry leaders and the dogs are good at finding bed bugs. Bug Dog Pro teams have completed all required Obedience and Bed Bug Detection course material and passed a real world final exam which includes several bed bug hides of varying difficulty. If they don’t find the bugs or the false respond during testing they don’t pass, pretty simple. All Bug Dog Pro handlers receive direct guidance and continuing education from Bug Dog Pro Founder/Handler and Training instructor Louis W.Robinson. Certified Bug Dog Pro Teams are authorized to work with any pest control company in their region. Call now to find a Bug Dog Pro team near you or for information about joining Bug Dog Pro with your dog today. (not all dogs are suitable)

Louis Robinson
Founder/Lead Handler/Veteran K9 Handler
Hi, My name is Louis W. Robinson and i am a Veteran Air Force K9 Handler. In the Air Force one of my K9 training instructors told me “trust the dog” and it was one of the most valuable lessons I ever learned. During my enlistment I worked with Patrol dogs, Drug Detection dogs and Explosive detection dogs. in 2007 I founded Robinson Dog Training which provides Basic and Advanced Dog training for Obedience, Protection, Service, Therapy and in 2010 we opened our scent detection division and started training Bed Bug Detection dogs. We started with small jobs, houses, apartments and hotels then we progressed to larger and larger jobs with our teams. We retired our first dog Lucy in 2017 and our new dog EOS” finished the Bug Dog Pro training program to replace “Lucy”. Lucy is currently enjoying a comfortable retirement with me and Eos is always eager to work. Since we started Bug Dog Pro we have searched some of the largest commercial facilities in Arizona, and have become a trusted provider of Bed Bug K-9 Detection.

Louis and MWD Orrie
Patrol/ Explosives Detection

Retired Bed Bug Dog Lucy

The New Hotness EOS